Reception – In Harmony

Cat Goes Fiddle-i-fee

Polar Bears and Brown Bears present their artwork and singing from Spring term 2021. Please click the song name above to view.


Chocolate Treats/Hot Cross Buns

This term we have been exploring the difference between rhythm and beat; we have learned two songs that have the same rhythm but different words and melody. Can you sing both songs at the same time at home with someone from your family? See if you can stick to your part and not get put off by the different words! At school we enjoyed working together with partners and in two teams to learn this song.


The Sunshine Song!

This is a Sing Up classic and very popular with reception children and the teachers alike! The stepwise pattern of the chorus fits in well with our Solfa learning. We enjoyed learning the actions, our favourite bit is ‘When two friends meet there is sunshine’! Hold hands with your friends on this bit. And don’t forget to make the heart shape with your fingers. These tricky actions are great for motricity and coordination and help us prepare for learning our string instruments in year 1.


Goodbye Everyone

It’s nice to finish our music sessions with a calming song and this one feels reassuringly familiar because it has the same melody as the hello song from nursery! Repetition reinforces what we have learned and we show our steady beat while we sing the words ‘I’m glad that you were here’!