Year 6 – Leopards

Welcome to the Leopards Class Page.

We are Year 6, the oldest pupils in school and one of two Y6 classes. Our class teacher is Mrs Booth, she is supported by Mrs Islam and Miss McIver. On Thursday mornings, Miss Sharratt teaches us. In Leopards, we work hard but try to have lots of fun along the way. Just like the leopard, we try to be ‘spot on’ with everything we do and always try our best.

We have a broad and balanced curriculum.  Our English is themed around the class reader; we will be reading a variety of texts that will inspire us to write in many different genre.  Our first text is ‘Walking with Witches’ and is set in Newcastle. Across the year we will explore texts from different times and places. In Maths, we will be perfecting our arithmetic skills so that we can add, subtract, multiply and divide efficiently. We will continue to practise tables and use our skills across the different areas of the maths curriculum. Year 6 will also focus on problem solving and reasoning.  In Science, we are going to explore and experiment as we focus on Living things, Evolution and Inheritance, Light, Electricity and the Circulatory System. Our topics for this year are: Crime and Punishment; Our Local Area; Extreme Earth and the Ancient Egyptians. During these lessons we will base our learning on an enquiry question and carry out our own research before presenting what we have found out, using our ICT skills to show our work off.

Adam, our P.E. Coach will keep us fit and active and enter us in competition whenever he can. On Tuesdays, we learn Spanish  with Mrs Bennaceur and continue to perfect our linguistic skills. We will learn to describe ourselves, our bedroom and jobs around the house. Like previous years, we will continue our In Harmony lessons and enjoy coming together Wednesday as an orchestra.

Being in Year 6 is about preparing the children for being in Secondary school, so we focus on making pupils independent and resilient learners. This means that pupils are encouraged to take more responsibility for their learning, including reading daily and completing a variety of homework tasks. We need to remember to bring our reading folders forwards and backwards to school each day so that everyone can read in class each morning. We mark homework together to help us make sure we make lots of progress and achieve our potential.

We have access to multiple online websites to help us learn, these include: Reading Plus, Times Tables Rockstars, Spelling Shed, Oxford Owl, Prodigy and Education City. We can access these from home too.

Parents and Carers can stay in touch and find out what is happening through Class Dojo.Key Stage 2 SATS will be taking place on Monday 12th – Thursday 15th May 2025.


Year 6 Parent Pamphlet – Autumn 2024